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  • Freelance Journalists in Homel Complain to Prosecutor General


    Natallia Kryvashei, Larysa Shchyrakova and Kastus Zhukouski are trying to appeal against the fines imposed on them according to art. 22.9 of the Administrative Code for cooperation with Belsat TV channel.

    Natal­lia Kry­vashei and Kas­tus Zhuk­ous­ki, with diplo­mas «For ded­i­ca­tion to pro­fes­sion» from the Homel branch of BAJ, this year

    Larysa Schyrako­va. Pho­to by svaboda.org

    They filed the com­plaint against the fines to the Pros­e­cu­tor Gen­er­al Ali­ak­san­dr Kaniuk.

    They are to pay large sums of mon­ey for the fact that they had authored articels pub­lished or shown on Bel­sat: Natal­lia has to pay 24.3 mil­lion rubles, Larysa — 3.6 mil­lion rubles, Kas­tus — 31.5 mil­li­ion rubles.

    The com­plaints were com­posed with the help of BAJ lawyer Leanid Sudalen­ka. The com­plaint refers to arti­cles 23 and 34 of the Belaru­sian Con­sti­tu­tion and arti­cle 19 of the ICCPR.

    The fines were imposed on the jour­nal­ists between March and July 2015 (See the chart). All the fines were upheld by the court of appeal.

    Pros­e­cu­tion of free­lance jour­nal­ists under arti­cle 22.9 last­ed for more than a year and end­ed after a press con­fer­ence of Ali­ak­san­dr Lukashen­ka in August when he promised to take care of the sit­u­a­tion. In fact, there real­ly were no more new tri­als, how­ev­er, the fines imposed in the ear­li­er peri­od were not over­turned.

    Article 22.9 of the Code of Administrative Violations

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