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  • CEC Denied Information to Independent Newspaper


    The independent newspaper Nasha Niva remarked that minutes at some polling stations were re-written after finalization of ballots count. The data publicized upon completion of counting of ballots at precinct electoral commissions did not coincide with respective results announced further at territorial electoral commissions.


    This was not a sin­gle inci­dent. For instance, the bal­lot count at PEC No 20 of the Cen­tral dis­trict in Min­sk was observed by the Euro­ra­dio. The results were 67% to Lukashenko, 19% to Karatke­vich, 11% against all, 1–2% to Haiduke­vich and Ulakhovich each. How­ev­er, the results in the chart of the TEC show only 5% to Tat­siana Karatke­vich at PEC No20, where­as num­ber “against all” raised to 20%. The dis­crep­an­cy was noticed from a chart of a Lat­vian blog­ger who wrote he had been present at sum­ming up the elec­tion results at TEC of the Cen­tral dis­trict. He under­lined that he took down the results by ear and advised cross­check­ing the min­utes of the respec­tive polling sta­tions.

    Also, at polling sta­tion No23 of the Cen­tral dis­trict there was a dis­crep­an­cy for fig­ures of the turnout: the PEC min­utes reg­is­tered the turnout of 918 vot­ers, where­as in the chart of the TEC the fig­ure was 1014 peo­ple (the edi­to­r­i­al office says they have a copy of the min­utes).

    This was what Nasha Niva want­ed to do: the edi­to­r­i­al office request­ed a pos­si­bil­i­ty from Lidziya Yarmoshy­na to see the min­utes of all polling sta­tions in the cap­i­tal. The reply from Lidziya Yarmoshy­na says that CEC does not have the doc­u­ments – they stayed at the Min­sk City Com­mis­sion. And the city com­mis­sion ceased its work, no one picks up the phone.

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