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  • KGB Reveals Criminal Surveillance Group


    On October 29, the KGB published the press release that a special operation had been held to detain a group of people who eavesdropped on businessmen, politicians, journalists of state-run and independent media for three years.

    A pho­to from the press release

    Accord­ing to the report, the KGB held over 80 search­es, revealed around 1500 pur­chasers of unlaw­ful ser­vices. For three years, the detainees con­duct­ed bug­ging and eaves­drop­ping, crack­ing e‑mails and accounts for com­mu­ni­ca­tions in Skype, Viber, What­sApp, of social accounts. Spe­cial equip­ment and for­eign cur­ren­cy were con­fis­cat­ed.

    Crim­i­nal cas­es have been ini­ti­at­ed against the sus­pects under art. 376, part 2 of the Crim­i­nal Code (unlaw­ful pro­duc­tion, pur­chase or sales of means of secret obtain­ing of infor­ma­tion, orga­nized by a group of peo­ple in con­spir­a­cy). The arti­cle envis­ages an impris­on­ment of up to 4 years.

    Also, there are over 20 crim­i­nal cas­es against pur­chas­es of the ser­vices under art. 203 of the Crim­i­nal Code (vio­la­tion of pri­va­cy of cor­re­spon­dence, phone calls and oth­er type of com­mu­ni­ca­tion, postal, tele­graph or oth­er mes­sages).

    The KGB is car­ry­ing out oper­a­tional-search and inves­tiga­tive activ­i­ties aimed to reveal and doc­u­ment oth­er episodes of the unlaw­ful activ­i­ties of the sus­pects, and to estab­lish all clients of the crim­i­nal group and the peo­ple affect­ed by the activ­i­ties.

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