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  • Two Books by Pazniak Claimed to Be Extremist

    The expert commission of the Brest region held an assessment of three books authored by Zianon Pazniak and claimed that two of them contained signs of extremism; the commission applied to the Maskouski district court of Brest to recognize the books extremist and to ban them.

    The books under con­sid­er­a­tion are Abarona Kura­p­ataŭ. Nar­o­d­ny Memary­jal (Defence of Kura­p­aty. People’s Memo­r­i­al) (authored joint­ly by Zianon Paz­ni­ak and Valery Buj­val); Dobra­ja Phata­graphi­ja (Good Pho­tog­ra­phy); Sesi­ja Neza­lež­nasci (Ses­sion of Inde­pen­dence). Two books of each title were seized from Aleś Čachol­s­ki, an activist of the Con­ser­v­a­tive Chris­t­ian Par­ty of the BPF. Now the activist is under tri­al accord­ing to art. 17.1 – stor­age and dis­tri­b­u­tion of extrem­ist lit­er­a­ture. He was sum­moned to court on Novem­ber 26, but the hear­ing was post­poned, the police report has been sent for com­ple­tion. Mean­while, the activist tries to find the con­clu­sions of the exam­i­na­tion of the books by the region­al expert com­mis­sion. The reply from the Brest cus­toms office says that the books Good Pho­tog­ra­phy and Defence of Kura­p­aty. People’s Memo­r­i­al have been arrest­ed, accord­ing to the Law on Coun­ter­ac­tion to Extrem­ism, art. 14. The book Ses­sion of Inde­pen­dence con­tains no signs of extrem­ism, so the own­er can pick them up at the Brest cus­toms office.

    TUT.by pub­lished the let­ter from the Brest cus­toms office

    It should be men­tioned that many books by Zianon Paz­ni­ak have been exam­ined by the com­mis­sion on extrem­ism in 2014 («Цяжкі час—працяг», «Незалежнасьць Беларусі. 20 гадоў», «Дэклярацыя — першы крок да незалежнасьці», «Менскі гарсавет ў пэрыяд нацыянальнай рэвалюцыі (1990–1991)», «Тэрра Дэй», «Развагі», «Парсіваль» and oth­ers). In Feb­ru­ary 2015, the book own­er was informed that the com­mis­sion had no signs of extrem­ism in the books.

    Zianon Paz­ni­ak is a politi­cian, leader of Nation­al move­ment in Belarus, founder of the Belaru­sian People’s Front, one of main oppo­nents to Lukashen­ka in mid 90ies, lives in emi­gra­tion since 1996.

    Last time the Min­is­ter of Infor­ma­tion Lil­i­ja Ananič report­ed in Feb­ru­ary 2015 that over 100 print mate­ri­als had been exam­ined regard­ing extrem­ist con­tents, and 25 of the print mate­ri­als had been claimed extrem­ist.

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