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  • People vs Unique Visitors in Belarus

    The number of unique visitors of Belarusian websites is nearly five times higher than the number of real people using the web.

    It is clear that the num­ber of unique vis­i­tors, mea­sured through cook­ies, does not reflect the real num­ber of human beings going online: some cook­ies are delet­ed; peo­ple use dif­fer­ent devices to surf the web, or dif­fer­ent browsers.

    The chart below shows the num­ber of unique browsers col­lect­ed by the web ana­lyt­ic com­pa­ny gemius­Prism ver­sus the num­ber of peo­ple count­ed with the media research of gemiusAu­di­ence.

    The num­ber of “unique browsers” in Belarus col­lect­ed by the web analy­sis of gemius­Prism in Jan­u­ary 2017, com­prised 24 mil­lion unique users.

    The Belaru­sian web audi­ence of age 15 — 74, accord­ing to gemiusAu­di­ence, the research held for com­pa­ny #DB3 in Jan­u­ary 2017, com­prised 5, 082 mil­lion peo­ple.

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