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  • Ten days in jail for reporting Babruisk court: journalists have no right to cover unauthorized protests

    Babruisk district and city court ruled, Siarhei Latsinski, journalist and BHC observer, breached the law on mass events by presence at the 'live chain' protest on June 19.

    He was punished by ten days of jail under Art. 23.34 of the Code of Administrative Offences for participation in an unauthorized mass event.

    UPD.: In the evening Siarhei Latsinski was released home with a high temperature, he will serve his sentence later.

    Latsin­s­ki was tried along with two oth­er peo­ple detained at the protest.  They also received 10-day sen­tences. The cas­es were heard by judge Tat­siana Tarabuye­va.

    The defen­dants did not have lawyers to defend them at court.

    Siarhei Latsin­s­ki was detained togeth­er with his wife, Ale­sia Latsin­skaya, a jour­nal­ist of local por­tal bobr.by and a mem­ber of BAJ. She had an edi­to­r­i­al assign­ment to report from the event, but it seemed to mean noth­ing for the riot police.

    Ale­sia says, they were brought to Babrusk city police depart­ment. Dur­ing per­son­al search she was forced to take off all her clothes.

    «They took me into the per­son­al search room. There were two female police offi­cers. They ordered me to take off my dress, bra, and even panties, — Alesya says. — They looked at me for a few sec­onds and then told me to get dressed.  Before that, they warned me that any dis­agree­ment with the orders would be treat­ed as dis­obe­di­ence to law­ful demands of police offi­cers.»

    Ale­sia was the only one who was searched so «care­ful­ly».

    «I believe they did it to show me my place, to humil­i­ate me, and to intim­i­date oth­er women, like, this is what can hap­pen to you if you are arrest­ed at a pick­et,» — the jour­nal­ist said.

    Ale­sia was let go after ques­tion­ing.

    «The police­man did not let me talk to any­one, and escort­ed me out­side, say­ing, go and take care of your child,» — Ale­sia said. (The Latsin­skis have a 5‑year-old son.)

    Siarhei Latsin­s­ki was left in cus­tody until hear­ing today . The judge reject­ed his request to have his wife rep­re­sent him in court, say­ing that Ale­sia was not a lawyer by edu­ca­tion.

    Ale­sia Latsin­skaya appeared in court as a wit­ness.

    «The judge did not lis­ten to any­thing I had to say, she did­n’t care that Siarhei was there as a jour­nal­ist and as an elec­tion observ­er from the Belaru­sian Helsin­ki Com­mit­tee, reg­is­tered at the Lenin­s­ki dis­trict elec­tion com­mis­sion. — the jour­nal­ist said, —

    The judge claimed that jour­nal­ists have no right to cov­er unau­tho­rized protests.»

    In the evening on June 19 anoth­er jour­nal­ist — Dzia­n­is Nosau of Vech­erni Babruisk was arrest­ed in Babruisk. He came to the police sta­tion to sup­port the detainees, but did not see any­body and left.

    «It was walk­ing down the street and stopped for a moment near a bus stop to say hel­lo to a friend.  Two riot police­man rushed towards us: «You were warned, dis­perse». I tried to explain that I was on my way home, and was about to cross the street, they still detained me.»— Dzia­n­is told BAJ about his deten­tion.

    He was let go after ques­tion­ing.

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