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  • Nasha Niva to be fined for the situation around injury of their journalist

    Nasha Niva journalist  Natalia Lubneuskaya was wounded on August 10 -- an unknown riot policeman shot her in the leg at close range. The criminal case has still not been started, and the Investigative Committee is still conducting a "chekup".

    Natalia was in hos­pi­tal for 38 days, and is cur­rent­ly on sick leave at home. After she was dis­charged from the hos­pi­tal, she received the first sick-leave cer­tifi­cate and hand­ed it to the NN account­ing depart­ment.

    Nasha Niva says, this is the first — and, hope­ful­ly, last — time when their jour­nal­ist has been wound­ed.  They did not have a plan of action in such extra­or­di­nary sit­u­a­tions. Since Natal­i­a’s case can be inter­pret­ed as a work-relat­ed injury, the accoun­tant con­tact­ed Bel­go­sstrakh insur­ance com­pa­ny to find out what doc­u­ments were need­ed.

    The com­pa­ny respond­ed with a list of doc­u­ments, but warned that Nasha Niva should would get a fine from the state author­i­ties — since the pub­li­ca­tion did not inform the com­pa­ny in due time about the inci­dent and failed to car­ry out its own inves­ti­ga­tion.

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