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  • October 4: 16 journalists detained, five remain in custody until trial

    On October 4, 16 journalists were detained in Belarus. Most of them were released after verification of their documents at police stations.

    However, 5 reporters were left in temporary detention centers until trials on administrative charges. Presumably, Nadzeya Puzhynskaya (Homel), Maryna Mauchanava, Alesia Latsinskaya, Dzianis Nosau, and Yury Kamisarau (all from Babruisk) will be tried for alleged participation in unsanctioned street protests.


    Police detained Sil­nye Novosti reporter Nadzeya Puzhyn­skaya. She was detained near the deten­tion cen­ter where she came to bring care pack­ages for her detained col­leagues — Anna and Dzia­n­is Yak­sh­tas. Nadzeya was charged with «par­tic­i­pa­tion in unau­tho­rized event».

    The police failed to explain what spe­cif­ic «unau­tho­rized event» Nadzeya had tak­en part in. Founder of Sil­nye Novosti, Piotr Kuznet­sou was informed by the Homel region­al depart­ment of inter­nal affairs that Puzhyn­skuyu had been detained «due to ini­ti­a­tion of admin­is­tra­tive pro­ceed­ings under Arti­cle 23.34». Police depart­ment rep­re­sen­ta­tive Vitaly Pry­s­tro­mau respond­ed to the ques­tion what spe­cif­ic episode she was detained for: «I can not real­ly say, I think there was a rea­son to.»

    Nadzeya was left in the tem­po­rary deten­tion facil­i­ty until tri­al.


    TUT.by and Bela­PAN jour­nal­ist Tat­siana Matveye­va, TUT.by and Nar­o­d­naya Volya jour­nal­ist Ales Pilet­s­ki, and edi­tor of «Peo­ple’s News Viteb­sk» Siarhei Serabro were detained in Viteb­sk. All were released after «pre­ven­tive con­ver­sa­tions».

     Detention of Vitebsk journalists Tatsiana Matveyeva, Ales Piletski and Siarhei Serabro. Photo: "Belsat"


    Blog­ger Andrei Irkha was detained on Savet­skaya Square in Hrod­na while stream­ing. He was released after ques­tion­ing. The police also took his phone. He was punched in the face sev­er­al times dur­ing arrest. The offi­cers who did it kept ask­ing if he was going to con­tin­ue stream­ing. Dur­ing the arrest they strong­ly tied his hands with a cable tie.

    Nar­o­d­naya Volya and TUT.BY jour­nal­ists Vol­ha Kami­ahi­na and Kat­siary­na Hardzeye­va were detained, . The police released them after their press ID check and «pre­ven­tive con­ver­sa­tions».

    Volha Kamiahina and Katsiaryna Hardzeyeva are detained. Photo: "Belsat"


    In Min­sk, the poluce detained and lat­er released Bel­Gaze­ta pho­tog­ra­ph­er  Daria Sapranet­skaya, and Onliner.by reporter Ali­ak­san­dr Ula­dy­ka.

    Lat­er Daria Sapranet­skaya received a call from the Kas­trych­nit­s­ki dis­trict police depart­ment. The offi­cer told her to return to the police sta­tion. A lit­tle lat­er police and Omon offi­cers rang the bell of her apart­ment, all in bal­a­clavas, Daria report­ed. Daria promised that she would come to the police depart­ment on Mon­day, to get acquaint­ed with the admin­is­tra­tive pro­to­col the police had com­piled on her. She did not open the door, but livestreamed from her apart­ment.

    The law-enforce­ment offi­cers left.

    Jour­nal­ist of Belaru­sians and Mar­ket news­pa­per Aleh Shapi­al­iuk was also detained today in Min­sk. He was released after the doc­u­ment check. In the evening, the law-enforce­ment offi­cers came to his apart­ment, just as in Dari­a’s case.



    The police detained Mary­na Mauchana­va, Ale­sia Latsin­skaya, Dzia­n­is Nosau and Yury Kamis­a­rau. They were left in cus­tody until tri­al on Mon­day.  Mary­na Mauchana­va man­aged to report that to BAJ from the police sta­tion.

    Mary­na Mauchana­va and Ale­sia Latsin­skaya  have under­age chil­dren.



    POlice detained chief edi­tor of the city online mag­a­zine Binoc­u­lars Kse­nia Pia­tro­vich and pho­tog­ra­ph­er of Brest­skaya Gaze­ta Aleh Pal­ishchuk. They were released from the police sta­tion after a doc­u­ment check.

    Ksenia Piatrovich and Aleh Palishchuk after their release from the police department


    Bela­PAN jour­nal­ist Ales Asipt­sou was detained. After a «pre­ven­tive con­ver­sa­tion» Asipt­sou was released.

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