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  • Police seizes journalist’s car

    On Saturday, freelance journalists Daria Chultsova and Ales Silich were detained. Silich was driving during detention. The police kept then in a cell of Partyzanski police department for three hours.

    «They put us in a cell as if we were crim­i­nals.  They took all our belong­ings. Even Dari­a’s shoelaces. We thought they would take us to Akrestsi­na «, — Ales Silich says.

    As a result, the jour­nal­ists were released, with two pro­to­cols each. The police did not inform them about the arti­cles of the Admin­is­tra­tive Code they were charged under.   Also, the police took Ales’ car for exam­i­na­tion to see if it was­n’t stolen.

    The police told the jour­nal­ist they would exam­ine the car for up to three months.

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