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  • Website run by Belsat TV, its Telegram channel and sites on social media services declared extremist

    Minsk, 27 July. The news website run by Belsat TV, its Telegram channel and its sites on Facebook, VKontakte and Instagram have been declared extremist in Belarus.

    A deci­sion to this effect was made by a judge of the Čyhu­načny Dis­trict Court in Homieĺ on July 27 on the ini­tia­tive of the Homieĺ region­al office of the inte­ri­or ministry’s orga­nized crime and cor­rup­tion depart­ment, Voĺha Čamadana­va, spokesper­son for the min­istry, announced on her Telegram chan­nel.

    Ms. Čamadana­va warned that peo­ple might be sen­tenced to a fine or a jail term under the Civ­il Offens­es Code for repub­lish­ing, repost­ing or dis­trib­ut­ing any mate­ri­als from extrem­ist sources.

    On July 16, the Cen­tral­ny Dis­trict Court in Min­sk declared extrem­ist the Telegram chan­nel “Char­ter 97%”, the Telegram and YouTube chan­nels “Rud­abel­skaya Pakazukha” and the Telegram chan­nel and chat “Bus­ly Laciac.”

    Also on July 16, the Telegram chan­nel “Novaya Borovaya 98%” was found extrem­ist by the Min­sk Dis­trict Court.  

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