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  • Authorities extend detention of sports journalist Aliaksandr Ivulin by another month

    5 November. Aliaksandr Ivulin, a journalist with the now-blacklisted sports news website by.tribuna.com and soccer player who is viewed as a political prisoner by Belarusian human rights groups, has had his pretrial detention extended by another month, the unregistered Viasna Human Rights Center said on Friday.

    Mr. Ivulin, who plays for FC Krumkačy Min­sk in Belarus’ sec­ond divi­sion and has a pop­u­lar YouTube chan­nel focus­ing on soc­cer, has already been in cus­tody for five months.

    He was arrest­ed in his Min­sk home on June 3 and sen­tenced to 30 days in jail the fol­low­ing day on a charge of stag­ing an unau­tho­rized demon­stra­tion over a white-red-white-flag in a win­dow of his apart­ment.

    He was not released on com­ple­tion of his jail sen­tence, as he was charged under Part One the Crim­i­nal Code’s Arti­cle 342, which penal­izes “orga­niz­ing or tak­ing an active part in group actions gross­ly dis­turb­ing pub­lic order.” He was trans­ferred to Pre­tri­al Deten­tion No. 1 in Min­sk.

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