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    BarTur Photo Award. Deadline 1st July

    Following the submission of work around COVID19 from all of our current 2020 winners, which you can see here and an open call to those who have previously applied to the BarTur Photo Award, we are pleased to offer a one off award for anyone making photographic work around the impact and experiences of the current Coronavirus global pandemic OPENING ON 8th JUNE 2020.

    Sub­mis­sions are wel­comed from any­one mak­ing pho­to­graph­ic work in this area. It is free to enter.

    There are three prizes: First Prize: $750, Sec­ond Prize: $500, Third Prize: $250

    Sub­mis­sions will be eval­u­at­ed by a selec­tion of jugdes from our world-lead­ing pan­el of experts drawn from all areas of the pro­fes­sion­al pho­tog­ra­phy indus­try.

    Award Open­ing: 8th June 2020

    Award Clos­ing: 1st July 2020, 11:59 GMT

    Win­ners announced: Fri­day 10th July 2020.​

    The Bar­Tur Pho­to Award is a non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion.

    Image Cred­it: Som­e­nath Mukhopad­hyay

    Suri, India

    Con­fined in my own house with lit­tle or no flex­i­bil­i­ty of move­ment due to govt reg­u­la­tions and very lim­it­ed scope of pho­tog­ra­phy, I decid­ed to shoot this port­fo­lio of images. I am indebt­ed to these cute mod­els who are my near rela­tions and some local chil­dren. I have observed them close­ly dur­ing this ongo­ing lock-down peri­od and in my work I have tried to doc­u­ment their chang­ing lifestyle. Roof tops have now replaced their favourite play­grounds and win­dows are the newest hotspots in the quar­an­tine peri­od. Masked faces find fan­cy in the twirls and whirls of their flow­ing gowns. The bad boys are not bad enough because they are nose­dived into their online class­es stream­ing through the Net. 

    A pletho­ra of diverse nar­ra­tives and feel­ings — I have tried to include in these images. This is going to be a full length work that will accom­mo­date many oth­er images in the future.

    Самыя важныя навіны і матэрыялы ў нашым Тэлеграм-канале — падпісвайцеся!
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