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    SIWI Journalist Grant (no later than 30 April)

    Are you passionate about water and development? Have you covered these topics in your work but want a chance to learn more and interview major actors in the water community? Have you looked for an opportunity to report on a global water meeting, where world leaders, policy makers, and academics meet representatives from the private sector and civil society to discuss some of the world’s most urgent issues? Apply for the SIWI Journalist Grant!


    SIWI offers five jour­nal­ists from low or low-mid­dle income nations the oppor­tu­ni­ty to vis­it World Water Week which takes place in Stock­holm between 26 – 31 August 2018.

    The SIWI Jour­nal­ist Grant cov­ers:

    • Round-trip air tick­et to Stock­holm, Swe­den
    • Pub­lic (or equiv­a­lent) trans­port between air­port and hotel on arrival and depar­ture
    • Full week reg­is­tra­tion fee for World Water Week
    • Cer­tain social events dur­ing World Water Week
    • Hotel stay dur­ing World Water Week
    • Meals on half board dur­ing World Water Week
    • Per diem for meals not pro­vid­ed at World Water Week venue

    The SIWI Jour­nal­ist Grant does not cov­er:

    • Visa, and visa-relat­ed costs
    • Any insur­ance
    • Trans­port in Stock­holm (exclud­ing pub­lic trans­port to and from Arlan­da air­port)
    • Any extras

    Who is eli­gi­ble to apply?

    • You must be a cit­i­zen of a nation list­ed as a low- or low-mid­dle income coun­try by the World Bank. See which coun­tries that are eli­gi­ble in this list.
    • You must be an employ­ee of a media out­let in your coun­try (news­pa­per, mag­a­zine, radio, TV, rec­og­nized dig­i­tal pub­li­ca­tion) or be able to show proof of con­tin­u­ous free­lance jour­nal­ism activ­i­ties dur­ing the past three years.
    • You must have a doc­u­ment­ed inter­est in water and water-relat­ed issues.
    • Since the offi­cial lan­guage of World Water Week is Eng­lish, you need to be able to work in Eng­lish, even if you pub­lish sto­ries in anoth­er lan­guage.

    Find sto­ries by pre­vi­ous years’ win­ners in the right hand-col­umn.

    How to enter:

    Send us your appli­ca­tion, by email only, to journalist-grant@siwi.org, no lat­er than Mon­day 30 April, 2018. The appli­ca­tion must be in Eng­lish and include the fol­low­ing:

    • Attach­ments con­tain­ing scans of, or func­tion­ing links to three articles/pieces on water or water-relat­ed issues, pub­lished in the past three years (2015–2018).
    • A brief CV
    • A moti­va­tion let­ter (why you want to vis­it and cov­er World Water Week) of max­i­mum 400 words

    We will noti­fy grant win­ners in ear­ly June, 2018.

    For more infor­ma­tion about World Water Week, please vis­it www.worldwaterweek.org

    About the Grant

    The SIWI Jour­nal­ist Grant aims to build capac­i­ty in water and water-relat­ed issues among jour­nal­ists active in devel­op­ing coun­tries, there­by cre­at­ing poten­tial for raised aware­ness among large audi­ences of read­ers, lis­ten­ers and view­ers. In the long term, a raised lev­el of water knowl­edge in the jour­nal­ist corps will con­tribute to influ­enc­ing key deci­sion- and pol­i­cy mak­ers in water and devel­op­ment issues.

    We hope that jour­nal­ists leave World Water Week with a renewed pas­sion for water issues, as well as the abil­i­ty to car­ry for­ward rel­e­vant ideas for their com­mu­ni­ties that raise aware­ness and gal­va­nize civic engage­ment.

    Ms Rowe­na Bar­ber, Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Man­ag­er, Out­reach & Media Rela­tions rowena.barber@siwi.org +46 8 121 360 39

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