• Актуальнае
  • Медыяправа
  • Карыснае
  • Кірункі і кампаніі
  • Агляды і маніторынгі
  • Рэкамендацыі па бяспецы калег

    Training course: Foundations of Artificial Intelligence in the Newsroom (Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, until February 16)

    Media managers from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia,  Moldova, and Ukraine are invited to apply to take part in the WAN-IFRA Women in News Digital ABCs capacity building programme ‘Foundations of AI in the Newsroom’, supported by DT Global as part of the EU4IndependentMedia programme, of which WAN-IFRA is a consortium partner.

    The Foun­da­tions of AI, or Mod­ule E of the WAN-IFRA Women in News Dig­i­tal ABCs series is an inter­ac­tive and inten­sive 9‑week pro­gramme to impart the foun­da­tions and impli­ca­tions around gen­er­a­tive AI on the news media indus­try, while facil­i­tat­ing peer exchange and net­work­ing between media through­out the Euro­pean neigh­bour­hood coun­tries of Arme­nia, Belarus, Geor­gia, Moldo­va and Ukraine.

    Deliv­ered through 5 sequen­tial lessons which cul­mi­nate in a final assign­ment, par­tic­i­pants will walk through the news­room and oper­a­tion appli­ca­tions of the new tech­nol­o­gy along­side ethics of adopt­ing the rapid­ly chang­ing tech­nol­o­gy. Each les­son is accom­pa­nied by an assign­ment that must be com­plet­ed in order to progress to the next les­son.

    Local Facil­i­ta­tors will review the assign­ments and give feed­back dur­ing semi week­ly local chap­ter online tuto­ri­als. Dur­ing these local tuto­ri­als, guest pre­sen­ters from oth­er local chap­ters will share their own sto­ries of usages of AI in the news­room either through pro­duc­tion or process­es, to encour­age peer-to-peer exchanges and best prac­tice share. Lyn­d­sey Jones, course archi­tect, will join in each local chap­ter tuto­r­i­al at the mid-way point of the course.

    The final assign­ment will serve as a plat­form to apply for DT-Glob­al fund­ed pro­duc­tion sup­port that will be issued in Q2 2024. Pro­pos­als should incor­po­rate key learn­ings and tools impart­ed from the pro­gramme. Com­ple­tion of Mod­ule ‘E’ is a pre­req­ui­site to con­sid­er­a­tion for the grants.

    Pro­pos­als will be reviewed by an impar­tial expert pan­el. A pos­si­bil­i­ty of up to 30 awards, car­ry­ing max­i­mum val­ue of EUR15,000 each, may be issued. Pro­pos­als are sub­mit­ted as the 4th and final assign­ment in the AI Mod­ule.

    Addi­tion­al­ly, the top pro­pos­al with­in each local chap­ter – as vot­ed on by your peers – will trav­el to Copen­hagen to par­tic­i­pate in the WAN-IFRA News Media Con­gress tak­ing place from 27–29 May 2024.

    Appli­ca­tion dead­line: Fri­day, 16 Feb­ru­ary

    Mark your cal­en­dars: Offi­cial launch webi­nar to be held 28 Feb­ru­ary at 9:00 CET

    Please note, suc­cess­ful can­di­dates should have a strong work­ing knowl­edge of Eng­lish. While course con­tent and live inter­ac­tions through webi­na­rs will be deliv­ered in local lan­guages, all assign­ments through­out the pro­gramme must be sub­mit­ted in Eng­lish. There are a total of 4 assign­ments, with the final assign­ment serv­ing as the pro­pos­al for con­tent pro­duc­tion sup­port that will be pro­vid­ed to a select group of suc­cess­ful appli­cants.

    The total approx­i­mate time invest­ment required by par­tic­i­pants is 1–2 hours per week for a peri­od of 9 weeks, exclud­ing the final assign­ment.


    If you are fac­ing any issues with the appli­ca­tion form, please con­tact us via email at info@womeninnews.org

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