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  • RSF: Belarus ranks fourth in the world in terms of the number of journalists behind bars

    Reporters With­out Bor­ders (RSF) annu­al sur­vey released: In 2024, jour­nal­ism pays a dis­pro­por­tion­ate­ly high human price in con­flicts and repres­sive regimes.  Down­load PDF.

    RSF: Беларусь на чацвёртым месцы ў свеце па колькасці журналістаў за кратамі

    Image: RSF

    “Jour­nal­ists do not die, they are killed; they are not in prison, regimes lock them up; they do not dis­ap­pear, they are kid­napped. These crimes — often orches­trat­ed by gov­ern­ments and armed groups with total impuni­ty —  vio­late inter­na­tion­al law and too often go unpun­ished. We need to get things mov­ing, to remind our­selves as cit­i­zens that jour­nal­ists are dying for us, to keep us informed. We must con­tin­ue to count, name, con­demn, inves­ti­gate, and ensure that jus­tice is served. Fatal­ism should nev­er win. Pro­tect­ing those who inform us is pro­tect­ing the truth.

    Thibaut Brut­tin
    RSF’s Direc­tor Gen­er­al

    550 jour­nal­ists detained

    Locked-up jour­nal­ists are con­cen­trat­ed in four coun­tries
    The world’s four largest pris­ons — Chi­na (124, includ­ing 11 in Hong Kong), Myan­mar (61), Israel (41) and Belarus (40) — hold almost half of the world’s detained jour­nal­ists.

    RSF: Беларусь на чацвёртым месцы ў свеце па колькасці журналістаў за кратамі

    Image: RSF

    45% of miss­ing jour­nal­ists are vic­tims of enforced dis­ap­pear­ance.

    Dis­ap­pear­ances are often attrib­uted to author­i­tar­i­an or neg­li­gent gov­ern­ments, which  high­lights the urgent need to com­bat impuni­ty and strength­en pro­tec­tions for jour­nal­ists.

    RSF calls on all coun­tries to rat­i­fy the Inter­na­tion­al Con­ven­tion for the Pro­tec­tion of All Per­sons from Enforced Dis­ap­pear­ance, which was adopt­ed by the Unit­ed Nations Gen­er­al Assem­bly in 2006 but only counts 75 rat­i­fi­ca­tions to date.

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