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  • Kyky.org


    Data cor­rect as of 08.05.2022



    Form of repres­sion



    9 Decem­ber 2020

    Web­site block­ing

    Access to the kyky.org web­site was blocked in Belarus by the deci­sion of the Min­istry of Infor­ma­tion.


    14 Decem­ber 2020

    Web­site block­ing

    Access to kyky.media, a mir­ror site of the kyky.org web­site, was blocked in Belarus by the deci­sion of the Min­istry of Infor­ma­tion.


    21 Decem­ber 2020

    Web­site block­ing

    Access to omon.wtf, a mir­ror site of the kyky.org web­site, was blocked in Belarus by the deci­sion of the Min­istry of Infor­ma­tion.


    29 Jan­u­ary 2021

    Web­site block­ing

    Access to mininform.lol, a mir­ror site of the kyky.org web­site, was blocked in Belarus by the deci­sion of the Min­istry of Infor­ma­tion.


    8 Feb­ru­ary 2021

    Web­site block­ing

    Access to massandry.net, a mir­ror site of the kyky.org web­site, was blocked in Belarus by the deci­sion of the Min­istry of Infor­ma­tion.


    10 Feb­ru­ary 2021

    Web­site block­ing

    Access to kykyold.org, a mir­ror site of the kyky.org web­site, was blocked in Belarus by the deci­sion of the Min­istry of Infor­ma­tion.


    17 Feb­ru­ary 2021

    Web­site block­ing

    Access to sabachka.help, a mir­ror site of the kyky.org web­site, was blocked in Belarus by the deci­sion of the Min­istry of Infor­ma­tion.


    24 Feb­ru­ary 2021

    Web­site block­ing

    Access to president.run, a mir­ror site of the kyky.org web­site, was blocked in Belarus by the deci­sion of the Min­istry of Infor­ma­tion.


    12 April 2021

    Web­site block­ing

    Access to nachesy.country, a mir­ror site of the kyky.org web­site, was blocked in Belarus by the deci­sion of the Min­istry of Infor­ma­tion.


    29 April 2021

    Web­site block­ing

    Access to netetabletki.rip, a mir­ror site of the kyky.org web­site, was blocked in Belarus by the deci­sion of the Min­istry of Infor­ma­tion.


    14 May 2021

    Web­site block­ing

    Access to samisebyazablochte.com, a mir­ror site of the kyky.org web­site, was blocked in Belarus by the deci­sion of the Min­istry of Infor­ma­tion.


    24 Sep­tem­ber 2021

    Declar­ing con­tent extrem­ist

    The Tsen­tral­ny Dis­trict Court of Min­sk rec­og­nized the con­tent of the Kulu­ary KYKY Telegram chan­nel and TELL KYKY Telegram group as extrem­ist.


    Now peo­ple may be held admin­is­tra­tive­ly liable under Part 2 Arti­cle 19.11 of the Admin­is­tra­tive Offens­es Code (a fine of $100–300) for dis­sem­i­nat­ing infor­ma­tion link­ing to the kyky.org chan­nel and group.


    6 May 2022

    Recog­ni­tion as an extrem­ist for­ma­tion

    The Deci­sion of the Min­istry of Inter­nal Affairs No. 21EK deter­mined that «a group of cit­i­zens unit­ed through the kyky.org web­site, Kulu­ary KYKY Telegram chan­nel, Nash Dom TV Telegram chan­nel, TELL KYKY Telegram group, @kyky_org Insta­gram page, KYKY.org Face­book page, @KYKY.ORG Twit­ter user car­ries out extrem­ist activ­i­ties.»


    Kyky.org was includ­ed in the Reg­is­ter of Orga­ni­za­tions, For­ma­tions, and Indi­vid­ual Entre­pre­neurs Involved in Extrem­ist Activ­i­ty under No. 56.


    Estab­lish­ment or par­tic­i­pa­tion in an extrem­ist for­ma­tion is a crim­i­nal offense pun­ish­able by impris­on­ment from 2 to 10 years (Arti­cle 3611 of the Crim­i­nal Code of the Repub­lic of Belarus).

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