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  • Vasil Hrodnikau Death in Suspicious Circumstances

    Vasil Hrodnikau, freelance journalist of the independent newspaper “Narodnaya Volia”, was found dead in his house in Zaslauye in October 2005.

    There was blood on his head and blood spots on walls and a bro­ken stool. The foren­sic exam­i­na­tion stat­ed that he died from a trau­mat­ic brain injury as a result of «con­tact with a blunt object». How­ev­er, the prosecutor’s office refused to open a crim­i­nal case claim­ing the death was non-vio­lent. The rel­a­tives and col­leagues of the vic­tim doubt the offi­cial state­ment.

    They sup­pose that the death was con­nect­ed with his jour­nal­ist work on some arti­cles con­nect­ed with neg­a­tive high­light of the KGB and the Min­istry of Home Affairs. The jour­nal­ists who vis­it­ed his house after the mur­der said there were too many spots of blood in dif­fer­ent rooms of the build­ing. It cre­at­ed an impres­sion that some oth­er peo­ple had been in the house and it should have led to open­ing a crim­i­nal case.

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