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  • Belarus Bans Propaganda of Suicide

    The respective ruling of the Ministry of Culture, dated September 15 (PDF), bans production and distribution of materials encouraging suicide. The ruling was endorsed by Ministers of Information, Trade and Healthcare.

    The rul­ing also defines the view­ing time for movies 18+ from mid­night to 6 am; the rul­ing comes into effect on Feb­ru­ary 3, 2017.

    From now on, prod­ucts with “calls for sui­cide”, “descrip­tion of means and meth­ods of sui­cide with the aim to stir deter­mi­na­tion to com­mit sui­cide”, “actions that indi­rect­ly encour­age sui­cide by means of jus­ti­fi­ca­tion and/or rea­son­ing for admis­si­bil­i­ty of sui­cide”, “promis­es of phys­i­cal and psy­cho­log­i­cal plea­sure”, “promis­es of ben­e­fits and advan­tages in case of sui­cide, also by means of games” are clas­si­fied and banned as “prop­a­gat­ing vio­lence and cru­el­ty”.

    The rul­ing does not ban men­tion­ing facts of sui­cide and descrip­tion of means and meth­ods of sui­cide unless it encour­ages act­ing like­wise.

    For decades, Belarus has been in the top of coun­tries with sui­cides per hun­dred thou­sand peo­ple, how­ev­er, the sta­tis­tics is improv­ing from 35 per­sons per 100 000 peo­ple in 2000 (2051 sui­cides) to 18 per­sons per 100 000 peo­ple in 2012. The drop in sui­cides for last 12 years is a ten­den­cy in all coun­tries neigh­bor­ing with Belarus: minus 48 per cent in Belarus, minus 44.4% in Rus­sia, minus 43.6% in Ukraine, minus 44.2% in Latvia, minus 10.5% in Poland.

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