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  • Belarusian Radio Racyja declared “extremist formation”

    The Belarusian KGB took the decision on January 16 and announced it a week later, thus adding the radio station to the List of Organizations, Formations, and Individual Entrepreneurs Engaged in Extremist Activities.

    The deci­sion affects the inde­pen­dent radio web­site and its affil­i­at­ed social media pages. The rul­ing also men­tions Pol­ish cit­i­zen Yauhen Vapa and Belaru­sian Yauhen Val­oshyn, whom the agency believes to be asso­ci­at­ed with the activ­i­ties of this media out­let.

    The edi­to­r­i­al office of Belaru­sian Radio Racy­ja is locat­ed in Bia­lystok, Poland. The radio broad­casts pro­grams in the Belaru­sian lan­guage, which can be accessed through the web­site or lis­tened to in FM for­mat in the Bia­lystok, Hrod­na, and Brest regions. The radio sta­tion cov­ers some 2.5 mln peo­ple who reside on the ter­ri­to­ry along the Pol­ish-Belaru­sian bor­der.

    The radio sta­tion pro­vides a diverse pro­gram that includes author’s shows cov­er­ing social, cul­tur­al, eco­nom­ic, and polit­i­cal issues, sports, his­to­ry, and human rights.


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