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  • Case Against TUT.BY: At Least 11 Employees Still In Detention After Raids

    At least 11 TUT.BY employees remain in detention a day after security forces searched the company’s offices and homes of its staff in a criminal investigation of suspected tax evasion. The whereabouts of many of them were unknown until late at night on 18 May.

    The TUT.BY team is doing its best try­ing to deter­mine the where­abouts and sta­tus of their col­leagues. Until late at night on 18 May, some of the employ­ees were not allowed out of the TUT.BY cen­tral office. The fate of some of the employ­ees became known only the day after.

    Accord­ing to the lat­est reports, among the detainees are:

    • Deputy Chief Accoun­tant Maria Novik

    • Deputy Gen­er­al Direc­tor for Tech­ni­cal Issues Ali­ak­san­dr Daine­ka

    • man­ag­er Andrei Audzeyau

    As well as our col­leagues, whose deten­tion we report­ed ear­li­er:

    • Edi­tor Vol­ha Loi­ka (in a deten­tion facil­i­ty on Okrestin Street in Min­sk)

    • Jour­nal­ist Ale­na Talk­a­cho­va (in a deten­tion facil­i­ty on Okrestin Street in Min­sk)

    • Edi­tor-in-chief edi­tor Mary­na Zolata­va

    • Gen­er­al Direc­tor Lid­mi­la Chek­ina

    • Chief Accoun­tant Anzhela Asad

    • Deputy Direc­tor Iry­na Rybal­ka

    • Chief engi­neer Ala Lap­at­ka

    • Lawyer Kat­siary­na Tkachen­ka

    In addi­tion, until now, nei­ther rel­a­tives nor the lawyer knows the where­abouts of Yulia Chernyavskaya, the wid­ow of TUT.BY founder Yuri Ziss­er. Ear­li­er it was report­ed that she suf­fered a hyper­ten­sive cri­sis after a vis­it from law enforces to her apart­ment.

    Lat­er Chernyavskaya’s daugh­ter Yev­ge­nia said her moth­er was dis­charged from the hos­pi­tal but had not been in touch with her and it remained unclear where she spent the night and the day after her deten­tion.

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