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  • Discussions on possible accreditation of Belsat TV are still ahead, Polish foreign minister says

    Discussions on the possible accreditation in Belarus of Belsat TV are still ahead, Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski told reporters Tuesday in Minsk following a meeting with his Belarusian counterpart Uladzimir Makey.

    Mr. Waszczykows­ki said “not yet” when asked by a Bela­PAN cor­re­spon­dent whether the issue had been raised at his talks with Mr. Makey.
    Messrs. Waszczykows­ki and Makey were expect­ed to con­tin­ue their talks after the news con­fer­ence.
    One day before Mr. Waszczykowski’s two-day vis­it to Belarus, Bel­sat TV, a War­saw-based Belaru­sian-speak­ing tele­vi­sion chan­nel, sub­mit­ted a new appli­ca­tion for accred­i­ta­tion to the Belaru­sian for­eign min­istry.
    As Alyak­sey Min­chonak, a spokesper­son for the chan­nel, told Bela­PAN,
    this time Bel­sat TV applied to the for­eign min­istry for grant­i­ng media accred­i­ta­tion to sev­en of the satel­lite chan­nel’s reporters. On the pre­vi­ous three occa­sions, Bel­sat TV sought accred­i­ta­tion for its news bureau, but the appli­ca­tions were pre­dictably reject­ed. The for­eign min­istry kept explain­ing that jour­nal­ists had vio­lat­ed Belaru­sian laws while work­ing for the chan­nel.
    While lay­ing wreaths at the Kura­p­aty Stal­in-era mas­sacre site out­side Min­sk ear­li­er on Tues­day, Mr. Waszczykows­ki said that Poland would like all media out­lets to work in Belarus on an equal foot­ing. He said he would raise the issue of Bel­sat TV dur­ing his talks in Min­sk.
    Bel­sat TV start­ed broad­cast­ing on Decem­ber 10, 2007 under an agree­ment between Pol­ish Pub­lic Tele­vi­sion (TVP) and the Pol­ish for­eign min­istry.
    The chan­nel describes its mis­sion as pro­vid­ing “accu­rate and inde­pen­dent cov­er­age of events in Belarus, Europe and the rest of the world.”

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