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  • Dzianis Ivashyn preventively registered as extremism-prone

    Human rights activists found out that last spring Hrodna prison administration preventively
    registered journalist Dzianis Ivashyn as “prone to extremism and other destructive actions.” It is
    known that almost all political prisoners have such a status, which once again proves the political
    motivation behind the criminal prosecution of Ivashyn.

    Dzia­n­is Ivashyn’s rel­a­tives also report­ed that short­ly before and after serv­ing his 10-day pun­ish­ment in admin­is­tra­tive seg­re­ga­tion, he was trans­ferred to anoth­er cell. They believe that in this way the prison admin­is­tra­tion is try­ing to fur­ther com­pli­cate the con­di­tions of the polit­i­cal prisoner’s stay in cus­tody.

    Ivashyn, in turn, asked to thank those who send him let­ters, pack­ages, and remit­tances. Ivashyn’s wife Vol­ha claimed that her hus­band hadn’t been able to buy any­thing in the com­mis­sary for about a month. The goods he ordered were nev­er brought to him. At the moment the sit­u­a­tion seems to have improved.

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