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  • Editorial office of regional newspaper «Hantsavitski chas» searched

    The editorial office of the Hantsavitski chas newspaper has been searched, devices have been seized.

    The office survived searches in July 2021 and December 2020.

    Pho­to: Piotr Huza­yeus­ki, edi­tor-in-chief of Hantsavichy chas and the Per­shy rehiy­on online media

    he search of the Hantsavichy Chas edi­to­r­i­al office was car­ried out by offi­cers of the Finan­cial Inves­ti­ga­tions Depart­ment of the State Con­trol Com­mit­tee.

    The secu­ri­ty forces were pri­mar­i­ly inter­est­ed in finance and account­ing doc­u­ments, and all com­put­ers and phones were seized as a result of the search. Lat­er in the evening it became known that the news­pa­per’s edi­tor-in-chief Piotr Huza­yeus­ki was at home, but had his devices seized.

    The Hantsav­it­s­ki chas news­pa­per has been pub­lished for 19 years. It is reg­is­tered by the Min­istry of Infor­ma­tion and belongs to the Media-Hantsavichy com­pa­ny, which also found­ed the Per­shy rehiy­on online media. The lat­ter is a pri­vate media that works in sev­er­al cities in the Brest region: Ivat­se­vichy, Biaroza, Pin­sk, Hantsavichy, Drahichyn.

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