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  • IFJ and EFJ Speak For Belarus Journalists

    The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) have joined their affiliate, the Belarus Association of Journalists (BAJ), in expressing grave concerns over the latest detention of three journalists today, making a total of 31 detainees in the last three weeks.

    The crack­down on the media in Belarus grew fur­ther today as jour­nal­ists Kas­tus Zhuk­ous­ki and Andrey Tolchyn were detained in Dobrush while a free­lance reporter work­ing for Bel­sat Vik­tar Yarashuk was detained in Pin­sk. They have all been released by the police after the ver­i­fi­ca­tion of their doc­u­ments although Yarashuk was fined.

    At least 9 oth­er jour­nal­ists were detained across the coun­try on 18 March accord­ing to the BAJ:

    • In Kobryn, jour­nal­ists Ales Liauchuk and Milana Khary­ton­a­va were detained after cov­er­ing a protest in the town. Accord­ing to the jour­nal­ists, they were beat­en, threat­ened and detained for more than three hours for “ille­gal pro­duc­tion and dis­tri­b­u­tion of media”. The police seized their equip­ment until the court hear­ing.

    • In Barysau, jour­nal­ists Vol­ha Chay­chyts and Siarhei Kavaliou were detained after the TV crew came to cov­er a planned protest in the city cen­ter. The jour­nal­ists weren’t informed of the rea­son for the deten­tions.

    • Jour­nal­ists Siarhei Ruset­s­kiUladz­imir Luniou and Ale­na Stsi­a­pana­va were detained twice on the same day: first on the way from Navap­o­latsk to Viteb­sk, where the police accused them of vio­lat­ing traf­fic rules, and lat­er in Polatsk, where the police decid­ed to inves­ti­gate whether the group ille­gal­ly changed the num­ber plate on their car.

    • Inde­pen­dent jour­nal­ist Larysa Shchyrako­va was detained under sus­pi­cion of alleged theft, when she was head­ing to Mazyr. Police thought that the jour­nal­ist looked sim­i­lar to the descrip­tion of a sus­pect.

    • Inde­pen­dent jour­nal­ist Kas­tus Zhuk­ous­ki, who was also head­ing to Mazyr, was stopped by the traf­fic police.

    The IFJ and EFJ con­demned the deten­tion of 18 more jour­nal­ists back on 12 March while cov­er­ing mas­sive protests against the unem­ploy­ment tax, also known as the “law against social par­a­sites”, that requires peo­ple who work less than 183 days a year to pay the gov­ern­ment $250 annu­al­ly, media report­ed. 2 of them were sen­tenced to 15 days in jail, 3 were fined and 5 are await­ing tri­al, accord­ing to a BAJ appeal to the UN Human Rights Commissioner’s Spe­cial Rap­por­teur on the pro­mo­tion of the right to free­dom of opin­ion and expres­sion.

    On March 10, Bela­PAN cor­re­spon­dent Siarhey Kar­ale­vich was also detained by the police after cov­er­ing a demon­stra­tion against the same new tax.

    Fol­low­ing this first wave of deten­tions, the BAJ sent a peti­tion to the Min­is­ter of Inter­nal Affairs and Gen­er­al Pros­e­cu­tor on 17 March con­demn­ing them and demand­ing a fair inves­ti­ga­tion.

    In the peti­tion, the BAJ remind­ed that a jour­nal­ist has the right to attend mass events, any events of pub­lic sig­nif­i­cance, and dis­trib­ute infor­ma­tion from there.

    The IFJ and the EFJ backed their affil­i­ate recall­ing that hold­ing a jour­nal­ist liable for con­sci­en­tious work is inad­mis­si­ble.

    “We draw atten­tion to the fact that vio­lat­ing jour­nal­ists’ rights is not only an unlaw­ful restric­tion of free­dom of infor­ma­tion but also vio­lates con­sti­tu­tion­al rights of all cit­i­zens to express their opin­ion, receive and dis­trib­ute infor­ma­tion,” said IFJ Gen­er­al Sec­re­tary, Antho­ny Bel­langer. “We mon­i­tor with our high­est con­cerns the media crack­down tak­ing place in Belarus and urge the author­i­ties to stop harass­ing our col­leagues and to drop all the charges against them as a mat­ter of urgency.”

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