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  • Jailed Belsat TV journo may stand trial soon, family says

    The probe into Katsyaryna Andreyeva’s case might have been completed, her husband, investigative journalist Ihar Ilyash, surmised after reading the latest letter from the wife.

    As Andreyeva’s defence lawyers had to sign gag orders, they have no right to inform anyone (even her relatives) about the course and details of the investigation. However, in the letter Ilyash received on Ianuary 9, the imprisoned journalist wrote that she was awaiting the transfer to Minsk.

    “As it follows from the context of the letter, she talks about transporting her to court. It is quite logical: Katsyaryna was put in Zhodzina [remand prison] for the time of the investigation. As she has grounds to count on being transferred to Minsk, it means that the investigation has been over and one might expecte that she will be tried soon,” Ihar Ilyash said.

    However, it has not been reported officially whether and when the transfer and the trial will take place. “I don’t even make any projections for the future. I am ready for anything. It is pretty hard to surprise me now,” Katsyaryna Andreyeva says in her letter.

    Фото: Белсат

    In mid Novem­ber, Bel­sat TV jour­nal­ist Kat­syary­na Andreye­va (Bakhvala­va) and cam­er­a­woman Darya Chultso­va were detained imme­di­ate­ly after their livestream­ing and cov­er­ing the bru­tal crack­down on pro­test­ers who gath­ered in the so-called Square of Change, one of the off­street yards on Charvyak­ou Street in Min­sk. Ear­li­er, Minsker Raman Ban­daren­ka had been abduct­ed from that yard and beat­en to death.

    Chultso­va and Andreye­va are accused of ‘organ­is­ing and prepar­ing actions that gross­ly vio­late pub­lic order’ (Art. 342–1 of the Crim­i­nal Code). If found guilty, the two girls may be sen­tenced to up to three years of impris­on­ment.

    On Novem­ber 24, Belaru­sian human rights activists recog­nised them (along with TUT.BY reporter Kat­syary­na Bary­se­vich) as polit­i­cal pris­on­ers. It is an open secret that mes­sages from out­side give enour­mous sup­port and encour­age­ment to a pris­on­er; that is why we urge our read­ers to send let­ters to the jailed jour­nal­ists:

    Кацярына Андрэева (Бахвалава): 222160 Беларусь, г. Жодзіна, вул. Савецкая, д. 22а / Kat­syary­na Andreye­va (Bakhvala­va): Savet­skaya Street 22a, Zhodz­i­na, 222160 Belarus

    Дарʼя Чульцова: 222160 Беларусь, г. Жодзіна, вул. Савецкая, д. 22а / Darya Chultso­va: Savet­skaya Street 22a, Zhodz­i­na, 222160 Belarus

    Кацярына Барысевіч: Беларусь, 220030 г. Менск, вул. Валадарскага, д. 2. СІЗА № 1 / Kat­syary­na Bary­se­vich: Deten­tion facil­i­ty Nr 1, Val­adars­ki Street 2, Min­sk, 220030 Belarus

    Don’t for­get to enclose an emp­ty enve­lope so that the girls could respond to your let­ter. Thank you for your unin­dif­fer­ence!

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