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  • Karliukevich: ‘The Ministry of Information Plans to Focus on the Internet and Social Media in 2018’

    The Ministry of Information will focus on the internet, social media, and accounts that convey information to the consumer in its work, Aliaksandr Karliukevich said.


    The Min­is­ter clar­i­fied that finan­cial streams will be re-ori­ent­ed cor­re­spond­ing­ly. The changes will also affect cre­ative approach­es and the sys­tem of edu­ca­tion. “We will look for the tra­di­tions, expe­ri­ence which should come from the print­ed media to the social media, the new mass media,” — the Infor­ma­tion Min­is­ter not­ed.

    He believes that it is not exact­ly cor­rect to speak about “some sort of con­trol” with regard to social media. “Leg­isla­tive prac­tice, moral, eth­i­cal approach­es in the work of a jour­nal­ist must coin­cide with what is placed in social media,” — Ali­ak­san­dr Kar­liuke­vich added. Such approach­es will become the basis of the amend­ments in the media-relat­ed leg­is­la­tion of Belarus. Accord­ing to the Min­is­ter, quite a few ini­tia­tives are expect­ed in this field.

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