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  • Meeting for foreign journalists with presidential candidates, experts, and Belarusian journalists


    Dear colleagues, dear international journalists who are in Belarus now to cover presidential elections! Press Club Belarus organizes a meeting in Minsk with presidential candidates, experts, and Belarusian journalists who would help you to understand political and economic situation in Belarus.

    The meet­ing will take place on Octo­ber 10th at 14:00 in the Hotel Europe’s con­fer­ence hall (Inter­na­cy­janal­na­ja str. 28).

    Tell the Truth! cam­paign can­di­date Tat­siana Karatke­vich, Lib­er­al Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty can­di­date Siarhei Haiduke­vich, and Belaru­sian Patri­ot­ic Par­ty can­di­date Mikalai Ulakhovich are all expect­ed to come.

    Belaru­sian econ­o­mist Siarhei Chaly, expert in Belarus-Rus­sia rela­tions Ana­tol Pank­ous­ki, and a pub­lic pol­i­cy expert Valery Kar­bale­vich will join the meet­ing at 15:00.

    In order to par­tic­i­pate in the meet­ing please fill out this form http://goo.gl/forms/fIH4Q4xIS8


    Besides, we bring to your notice the can­di­dates’ sched­ule of meet­ings with vot­ers and oth­er events which might be inter­est­ing to you. Please note that this sched­ule is sub­ject to change.


    Octo­ber 7th

    Tat­siana Karatke­vich:

    12:30 ‑13:30 Liady, Vit­seb­sk region, vil­lage palace of cul­ture

    14:00–15:00 Dubrouna, Nikan­dra­va str. 62

    16:30–17:20 Orsha, a ral­ly in front of Orsha Jesuit Col­legium

    17:30 Orsha, chil­dren art school #1, Leni­na str. 21

    Mikalai Ulakhovich:

    14:00 – Vit­seb­sk, pub­lic school #31, Mask­ous­ki praspekt 15

    18:00 – Nou­ka agro-town, Vit­seb­sk region, palace of cul­ture

    Siarhei Haiduke­vich:

    Homel, Homel state uni­ver­si­ty, praspekt Kas­trych­ni­ka (prospect Oktyabrya) 48

    Time TBA


    Octo­ber 8th

    Tat­siana Karatke­vich:

    ral­ly in Raha­chou

    ral­ly in Zhlobin

    ral­ly in Buda-Kashalio­va

    ral­ly and meet­ing in Homel

    Time TBA


    Octo­ber 9th

    Tat­siana Karatke­vich:

    Min­sk – “Kava za TaK” cof­fee meet­ing with the can­di­date, Vara­ni­an­ska­ha str. 11a, gym­na­sia #56

    Ral­ly “Lan­guage, cul­ture, Belarus”

    Time TBA

    Siarhei Haiduke­vich

    Vit­seb­sk – pub­lic school # 28, Praudy str. 43


    Octo­ber 10th

    14:00 – 16:00 – Min­sk, Press Club Belarus meet­ing with pres­i­den­tial can­di­dates, experts, and Belaru­sian jour­nal­ists for inter­na­tion­al jour­nal­ists in the Hotel Europe’s con­fer­ence hall (Inter­na­cy­janal­na­ja str. 28).

    17:00 – Min­sk, Svabody square, ral­ly of Mikalai Statke­vich, ex-polit­i­cal pris­on­er and ex-pres­i­den­tial can­di­date-2010


    Octo­ber 11th

    Cen­tral Elec­toral Com­mit­tee Infor­ma­tion Cen­ter — Palac Respub­li­ki (Palace of the Repub­lic), Oktyabrskaya sq. (admis­sion by For­eign Min­istry accred­i­ta­tions + nation­al ID card)

    10:00*, 12:10*, 14:10*, 16:10*, 18:10*, 20:00* — Press brief­in­gs by Lidya Ermoshi­na, the CEC sec­re­tary, on the vot­ing progress (*the esti­mat­ed time is sub­ject to sub­tle changes)

    01:00 The final press con­fer­ence of the vot­ing day


    Octo­ber 12th

    Cen­tral Elec­toral Com­mit­tee Infor­ma­tion Cen­ter — Palac Respub­li­ki (Palace of the Repub­lic), Oktyabrskaya sq. (admis­sion by For­eign Min­istry accred­i­ta­tions + nation­al ID card)

    10:00* — 12:00 — Con­clud­ing press con­fer­ence by Lidya Ermoshi­na, the CEC sec­re­tary, fol­lowed by press con­fer­ences by CIS observers, People’s Repub­lic of Chi­na observers, and Shang­hai Coop­er­a­tion Orga­ni­za­tion observers (*the esti­mat­ed start­ing time is sub­ject to changes)


    Use­ful con­tacts:

    The Cen­tral Com­mis­sion of the Repub­lic of Belarus on Elec­tions and Hold­ing Repub­li­can Ref­er­en­da

    Tat­siana Karatkevich’s cam­paign head­quar­ters: Leninhrad­ska­ja str. 5–37.

    Press rela­tions ser­vice (Russ­ian, Belaru­sian): +375 29 3334503

    Andrei Dzmit­ryeu, head of cam­paign head­quar­ters (Eng­lish, Russ­ian, and Belaru­sian): +375 33 6638818

    Siarhei Haidukevich’s cam­paign head­quar­ters: Arlouska­ja str., 40. +375 29 605 96 92.

    Mikalai Ulakhovich’s cam­paign head­quar­ters: Mar­jeuska­ja str. 5a, 220034 +375 29 7716096 (Mikhail Abra­zou – head of cam­paign head­quar­ters).


    Press Club Belarus

    - Tat­siana +375 29 6768736

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