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  • Most Providers Lift Blocking from Independent News Websites

    On March 26, reports appeared that some Belarusian providers blocked access to Charter’97, Belaruspartisan, Viasna.

    On March 28, access for indi­vid­ual users to the web­sites have been restored. No offi­cial com­ments have been giv­en yet.

    Own­er of TUT.by por­tal Yury Zis­er sup­pos­es that the web­sites were blocked because two lists of restrict­ed web­sites had been uni­fied. One of the lists dates back to 2010 and restrict­ed access for the men­tioned web­sites in state estab­lish­ments, edu­ca­tion­al and cul­ture orga­ni­za­tions. The oth­er list appeared recent­ly accord­ing to the rul­ing of the Oper­a­tive Ana­lyt­i­cal Cen­ter and the Min­istry of Infor­ma­tion and Informa­ti­za­tion, dat­ed Feb­ru­ary 19, 2015. The rul­ing relates to fresh amend­ments in the Mass Media Law and anti-drug traf­fic actions.

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