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    CJE leaves the Alliance of Independent Press Councils of Europe because of the non-expulsion of Russia

    October 24, 2022

    Political prisoners Maryna Zolatava and Liudmila Chekina added to the “terrorist list”

    The State Security Committee updated the list of “persons involved in terrorist activities.” Now it includes imprisoned TUT.BY journalists: editor-in-chief Maryna Zolatava and media outlet’s CEO Liudmila Chekina.
    October 20, 2022

    Wife Of Jailed RFE/RL Consultant In Belarus Reportedly Detained

    October 18, 2022

    TUT.BY journalists Volha Loika and Alena Talkachova added to “terrorist list”

    October 14, 2022

    Several state radio hosts fired in Homel over support of protesters

    October 13, 2022

    Belarusian journalists detained, forced to make ‘confession’ videos

    October 13, 2022

    UN experts call for immediate release of jailed Nobel winner and other rights defenders in Belarus

    October 11, 2022

    Police-affiliated Telegram channel published video of detained journalists Aliaksandr Lychauka and Sniazhana Inanets

    October 07, 2022

    Ales Bialiatski becomes Nobel Peace Prize laureate

    October 07, 2022

    CPJ condemns Belarus ‘witch hunt’ after three BelaPAN journalists sentenced to lengthy prison terms

    October 07, 2022

    Defendants in BelaPAN case sentenced to 4 to 14 years of prison

    On 6 October, the Minsk Regional Court announced the sentences for the four defendants in the case of the BelaPAN independent news agency. Political prisoners will have to spend the next few years behind bars.
    October 06, 2022

    KGB puts political prisoner Andrei Pachobut on “terrorist list”

    October 06, 2022

    Ex-state media journalist Dzmitry Semchanka sentenced to 13 more days of arrest

    October 04, 2022

    Journalist Ksenia Lutskina sentenced to 8 years in prison

    September 28, 2022

    Belarusian RFE/RL Journalist Released From Penal Colony, Arrives In Lithuania

    September 22, 2022
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