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    Belarusian Journalist Jailed For 10 Days Amid Ongoing Media Crackdown

    December 01, 2021

    BAJ wins National Prize of Ukraine for Protection of Freedom of Speech

    November 29, 2021

    Belarusian Journalist Detained As Media Crackdown Continues

    November 26, 2021

    Belarusian Media Under Threat: What to do and What Support is Needed? Discussion. November 25, registration

    November 22, 2021

    BelaPAN editor-in-chief Iryna Leushyna and ex-director Dzmitry Navazhylau charged with “creating an extremist formation”

    November 18, 2021

    BelaPAN news agency recognized as extremist group

    The decision to assign BelaPAN the status of “extremist formation” was made by the State Security Committee on November 1. The website of the agency or the state media never reported about it.
    November 12, 2021

    Authorities invite Polish journalists to Belarus’ side of border to cover migrant crisis

    November 12, 2021

    IPI: Government moves to stamp out remaining independent media

    November 10, 2021

    Index Censorship published Andrei Aliaksandrau’s letter from prison

    November 08, 2021

    Authorities extend detention of sports journalist Aliaksandr Ivulin by another month

    November 06, 2021

    Protest in cell 15. Iryna Slaunikava and other detainees on hunger strike in detention center

    Ten women have been on hunger strike in the double cell 15 in the temporary detention center in Akrestsin Street since the evening of November 3. There were plenty of reasons for this: it's been more than a year since the detainees were deprived of care packages, they are not taken to the shower or for a walk, the cells were overcrowded, medicines and the necessary medical treatment for COVID-19 were not provided.
    November 05, 2021

    Authorities blocked website of Belarusian Association of Journalists

    November 04, 2021

    Belsat TV’s site, social media accounts labeled extremist group by police

    November 03, 2021

    Belarusian journalists and BAJ won Free Media Awards

    November 03, 2021

    Belarusian authorities block access to website of Russia’s Regnum news agency

    The website of Russia’s Regnum news agency stopped being accessible to users in Belarus on Saturday. 
    November 01, 2021
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