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    BAJ Joins MEPs Letter Asking to Demand Immediate Release of Four Sakharov Prize Laureates

    BAJ joined the letter of MEPs and Sakharov Prize winners asking the EU leaders to demand the immediate release of the four Sakharov Prize laureates.    
    December 17, 2018

    BelaPAN’s Chief Editor Iryna Leushina Wins Belarusian Human Rights Defenders’ Prize

    December 13, 2018

    BAJ Representatives Discuss Main Problems of Media Freedom in Belarus with OSCE

    On International Human Rights Day, representatives of the Belarusian Association of Journalists visited Vienna where they met with the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Harlem Désir and President of the Austrian branch of the Reporters without Borders Rubina Mohring.
    December 11, 2018

    Investigative Committee refuses to drop criminal charge against tut.by editor in chief

    December 03, 2018

    Criminal proceedings against two journalists in ‘BelTA case’ stopped

    November 27, 2018

    Criminal Charges Against Journalists Bykouski and Kuletski Dropped +DOCUMENT

    Pauliuk Bykouski informed BAJ about the dismissal of criminal proceedings. The criminal charges were reclassified reclassified under Art. 252 of the Criminal Procedure Code "in conjunction with application of administrative sanctions"
    November 22, 2018

    Maryna Zolatava, Chief Editor of TUT.BY Charged Under “BelTA case”

    November 22, 2018

    Euronews to cover Minsk’s preparations for the 2nd European games

    Euronews will provide coverage of Minsk's preparations for the 2nd European Games. The agreement was signed by Minsk European Games Organizing Committee (MEGOC) CEO George Katulin and Euronews International Sales Director Kjell Stein in Minsk on 21 November.
    November 22, 2018

    BAJ Asks BelTA CEO Not to Bring «BelTA Case» to Court

    November 20, 2018

    Harassment of journalists breaks records in Belarus – nearly 100 fines so far this year

    Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls on the Belarusian government’s international partners to react to the surge in its persecution of journalists, with nearly 100 fines imposed already this year on reporters working for exile media – an all-time record.
    November 15, 2018

    Targets in BelTA Criminal Investigation Served Official Charges

    November 06, 2018

    The Belarusian Association of Journalists held a solidarity action «Stand Up for Journalism» on November 5

    November 06, 2018

    November 5 — Stand Up for Journalists!

    November 04, 2018

    Ministry of Information to BAJ: Neither We, Nor Journalists Need CSOs as Intermediaries

    October 31, 2018

    Ukrainian Journalist Mykola Balaban Detained in Belarus

    October 27, 2018
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