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  • Obstruction of professional activities of journalists on 25 March

    This story presents factual information on the obstruction of mass media activities in Belarus on 25 March (in the reversed chronological order).

    17:00 — Hali­na Abakunchyk, a con­trib­u­tor to Radio Lib­er­ty, was detained after the allowed con­cert in Min­sk. She was released from the Cen­tral­ny dis­trict police depart­ment three and a half hours lat­er. No police report was drawn up. Abakunchyk said that all the detained per­sons had small white-red-white flags with them.

    Abakunchuk was also detained when the police saw her car­ry­ing a small flag. In the precinct, they took her belong­ings away from her. She was not allowed to make phone calls and vis­it the WC.

    16:30 — Jour­nal­ists Liubou Lunio­va, Stanis­lau Ivashkievich, Ihar Illiash, Kat­siary­na Andreje­va and Siarhiej Kavaliou were released from the police precinct with­out draw­ing up the reports. Andrej Koziel and Vol­ha Cha­jchyc were also allowed to go free.

    14:09 — The police detained the free­lance jour­nal­ist Tat­st­siana Smotk­i­na from Hly­boka­je (the Vit­sieb­sk region). She was detained because they had a white-red-white flag in their car. Her dri­ver was for­mal­ly charged with speed­ing. The police drew up the ques­tion­ing reports.

    13:45 — Bad mobile com­mu­ni­ca­tion is observed near the Opera and Bal­let The­atre where the gala con­cert ded­i­cat­ed to the 100th anniver­sary of the Belaru­sian Demo­c­ra­t­ic Repub­lic is tak­ing place. This fac­tor cre­ates obsta­cles for mass media which broad­cast the event live.

    12:10 — It became known that jour­nal­ists Liubou Lunio­va, Stanis­lau Ivashkievich and Ihar Illiash had been detained near the Jakub Kolas Square.

    The jour­nal­ists of Bel­sat Kat­siary­na Andreje­va and Siarhiej Kavaliou were detained on the Jakub Kolas Square before the begin­ning of the unau­tho­rized ral­ly. Bel­sat planned to stream the event. The jour­nal­ists were first tak­en to a blue minibus and then moved to a pad­dy wag­on. They con­tin­ued the stream dur­ing their trip in the police vehi­cle. At 11:49 the com­mu­ni­ca­tion stopped.

    Andrej Koziel was tak­en to the men­tal hos­pi­tal in Sien­it­sa. There, they checked his blood alco­hol con­tent and then released him. Vol­ha Chaichyc was also released.

    How­ev­er, only a few min­utes lat­er the road police again stopped Chajchyc’s and Koziel’s car.

    The jour­nal­ists were released after an ID check. Cha­jchyc and Koziel believe that their car was stopped inten­tion­al­ly as the road police offi­cer had their license plate num­ber writ­ten on his palm

    Approx­i­mate­ly at 10:30, the road police stopped the car of the free­lance jour­nal­ists Vol­ha Chaichyc and Andrej Koziel.

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