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  • Solidarity Relay: Unite to support Belarus

    “Voice Across Bor­ders: Belarus Glob­al Aware­ness” is an ambi­tious ini­tia­tive designed to con­front and illu­mi­nate the severe polit­i­cal and human rights cri­sis engulf­ing Belarus. 

    Fol­low­ing the 2020 elec­tion, Belarus has found itself at a crit­i­cal cross­roads, with increas­ing polit­i­cal oppres­sion, threats to its cul­tur­al iden­ti­ty, and ero­sion of sov­er­eign­ty due to exter­nal pres­sures. This project aims to counter these chal­lenges by ele­vat­ing glob­al aware­ness and fos­ter­ing a uni­fied inter­na­tion­al response.

    What are we doing?

    We are launch­ing a sol­i­dar­i­ty relay that will involve dif­fer­ent coun­tries and dias­po­ras and will end in Decem­ber 2024. The relay will include exhi­bi­tions, con­certs, dis­cus­sions and webi­na­rs, talk­ing about Belarus, our cul­ture and the chal­lenges we face. We are also rais­ing funds to help Belaru­sians affect­ed by the regime, includ­ing vul­ner­a­ble groups like the elder­ly, dis­abled, and chil­dren of polit­i­cal pris­on­ers.

    Why is this impor­tant?

    On aver­age, rel­a­tives spend €2000 per year per polit­i­cal pris­on­er. Reha­bil­i­ta­tion of a released per­son could cost any­thing from €6000 in Europe and from €2000 in Belarus. Today there are about 1500 recog­nised polit­i­cal pris­on­ers in Belaru­sian pris­ons, and the same num­ber of peo­ple have recent­ly been released. And there are also thou­sands of peo­ple who have suf­fered for their posi­tion and need help. 

    Our goal is to raise €500,000 which would go to help those who found them­selves in need due to a bar­bar­ic treat­ment of the dic­ta­tor­ship regime.

    How can you help?

    Your dona­tion can change some­one’s life. 

    For exam­ple:
    €10 can pur­chase essen­tial med­ica­tions for one per­son of a polit­i­cal pris­on­er with nece
    €15 can pro­vide a child of a polit­i­cal pris­on­er with nec­es­sary sta­tionery
    €20 can pro­vide a fam­i­ly of a polit­i­cal pris­on­er with gro­cery sup­plies for a few days.
    €50 can pro­vide warm clothes for a polit­i­cal refugee in need

    This is an ambi­tious project and we hope to make it a suc­cess to estab­lish it as a reg­u­lar annu­al ini­tia­tive in sol­i­dar­i­ty with Belarus

    Our project is led by a ded­i­cat­ed team of rep­re­sen­ta­tives of Belaru­sian ini­tia­tives and sol­i­dar­i­ty funds, includ­ing the Peo­ple’s Embassies of Belarus and the fol­low­ing foun­da­tions —  the Coun­try to Live in, BYSOLByHelp and Dis­si­dent­by. Our expe­ri­ence and com­mit­ment ensures that every dona­tion is used effec­tive­ly to sup­port our mis­sion.

    Please join us on our jour­ney, learn more about project’s events, and rejoice in our suc­cess­es:

    Thank you for your sup­port and sol­i­dar­i­ty! 

    The “Voic­es Across Bor­ders” Team.

    We aim to raise:


    All funds raised will go to sup­port Belaru­sians affect­ed by repres­sions and their fam­i­lies.


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