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  • Tor Audience in Belarus Rise after Blocking

    Since early December, authorities in Belarus have blocked Tor – the program that enables anonymous access to websites including those that are blocked for some reasons by national operators. The Ministry of Communications explained that the sanction was aimed to prevent access to banned resources rather than to prevent anonymous access.

    How­ev­er, the block­ing gave a con­trary effect: before the block­ing, there were 5000 users of Tor in Belarus; since Decem­ber, the num­ber of direct users dropped to 3000, but the num­ber of users con­nect­ing to Tor through Bridges changed from sev­er­al hun­dreds to 3000 at peak time. Thus, the audi­ence rose to 6000 users.

    The num­ber of Tor users is not sta­ble, for exam­ple, there were 10 thou­sand users in August – Sep­tem­ber 2013 and the same num­ber kept in 2015.


    In coun­tries with pop­u­la­tion com­pa­ra­ble to Belarus, there are quite dif­fer­ent num­bers of Tor users: there are 20 thou­sand users in Swe­den, 15 thou­sand in Aus­tria, 10.5 thou­sand in the Czech Repub­lic, 6 – 7 thou­sand in Bul­gar­ia, 15 thou­sand in Switzer­land (with sharp ris­es to 50 thou­sand), 10 thou­sand in Israel (with up to 50 thou­sand from time to time), less than a thou­sand in Hon­duras, Azer­bai­jan and Tajik­istan.

    In all, around two mil­lion peo­ple use Tor, with a jump of 6 mil­lion in 2013, and around 50 thou­sand peo­ple use Tor via Bridges.

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