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  • TV presenter Pytleva charged with calling to actions that harm national security

    Ekaterina Pytleva, program director of Malanka Media, is charged with Article 361-1 of the Criminal Code - "Creation of an extremist formation."

    On 24 Sep­tem­ber, the TV presenter’s apart­ment in Min­sk was searched for the sec­ond time in a month. “This time they intro­duced them­selves as KGB agents, for­tu­nate­ly, they did not break the door. Judg­ing by the reac­tion, they didn’t expect to see the after­math of the pre­vi­ous search, they even asked in sur­prise, ‘Did they break the gui­tar and cut the back­packs, too?’ In gen­er­al, they did not expect that some­one had out­per­formed them,” writes Pytl­e­va.

    The first search took place on Sep­tem­ber 7. Dur­ing it, the law enforcers cut even the wed­ding pho­tos.

    Kat­siary­na Pytl­e­va and her fam­i­ly were forced to leave Belarus at the begin­ning of 2021.

    What does the apartment of TV presenter Katerina Pytleva look like after a search 

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