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  • A Ukrainian Journalist Pavel Sharoyka Tried behind Closed Doors for Espionage

    On February 12, the spokesperson of Supreme Court of Belarus Yuliya Liaskova informed the Belarusian Association of Journalists about the start of litigation against a Ukrainian journalist Pavel Sharoyka.


    Report­ed­ly, the jour­nal­ist is tried behind closed doors.

    The spokesper­son failed to tell the date, when the tri­al was actu­al­ly start­ed, not­ing that more than 4,000 cas­es are regard­ed by courts in Belarus a day and that she can­not be aware of each tri­al.

    It should be men­tioned that being the accred­it­ed cor­re­spon­dent of Ukrain­ian radio, Pavel Sharoy­ka was detained by the KGB on Octo­ber 25, 2017 and kept in the pre-tri­al KGB jail since then. The infor­ma­tion about the journalist’s deten­tion was dis­sem­i­nat­ed three weeks lat­er by Zurab Alasaniya, the Head of Nation­al Pub­lic TV and Radio Com­pa­ny of Ukraine, in Face­book.

    The offi­cial KGB rep­re­sen­ta­tive Dzmit­ry Pabi­arzhyn not­ed dur­ing a brief­ing on Novem­ber 20th that Sharoy­ka acknowl­edged his affil­i­a­tion to the mil­i­tary intel­li­gence of Ukraine and work under cov­er in Belarus. Con­se­quent­ly, crim­i­nal pro­ceed­ings were start­ed in rela­tion to him and he was tak­en into cus­tody.

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